Quantum-Wave Analogies
Max Lein
Tohoku University
Katahira Campus
2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai
4th floor, 4C, first office to the right
Location in space-time
Tuesday 07 December 2019 13:00–14:30 Room 305
Tuesday 14 December 2019 13:00–14:30 Room 305
Tuesday 21 December 2019 13:00–14:30 Room 305
Lecture notes
Download here (last update: 2019.12.11)
I appreciate any feedback and questions, in particular when it comes to typos.
All necessary course material will be contained in the lecture notes and the homework assignments, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Each chapter also contains references to supplementary material which may be of interest.
Homework assignments
The grades for this portion of the course will be determined by a graded homework assignment.
Please download the homework here.
The homework assignment must be submitted until 27 December 2019, 18:00, in mailbox #3 in the math department.